First Shabbos in Tzfat

Finally in Tzfat, we had a warm reunion with our Simply Tzfat friends, and cordially welcomed by other people that recognized us from previous visits. Everybody seemed to be excited for us and extremely impressed, although to us it feels like it’s just natural to be here; we don’t feel we did anything exceptional…
For Shabbos we got invited by good friends for meals, who treated us as a family. Kabbalat Shabbat at the big Breslov shul started at 4:15, preceded by Brit Milah at 4 pm. It ended at 6 pm, but felt like 5 min. Lecha Dodi was of incredible intensity, mostly wordless niggunim alternating with verses sung by 400 congregants and guests, and concluded by everybody singing the whole Bar Yochai song, holding hands and slowly dancing in a serpentine chain. If you have never been there – you miss one of life’s great experiences as a Jew.
Also the congregants are not afraid to pray loudly. This is an understatement.To be continued…. The pictures show an unexpected gift we got before Shabbos; our street and Eber at the door of our new house.