For Maya and Vera

Dear Maya and Vera, Eber and I now in live in the North of Israel, in a city called Tzfat. It is on the top of the mountains. It was buid originally many centuries ago to protect its residents from all the bad people who travelled through the area to make trouble. It is build out of stones. It has a lot of walls and a lot of stairs, so to get anywhere you have to go either up or down. Also there are a lot of alleys and archways. Sometimes it looks like a city from the fairy tale. Because it is high on the top of the mountain it is often surrounded by clouds and mist. All thought the city many stones are painted blue. Because Tzfat is very beautiful, there are many artists living here and creating all kinds of art. There are also a lot of kids here, and when we see them we think of you. Because there are a lot of kids, there are also a lot of schools. We love you both and miss you very much. Babushka and Eber.