For Maya and Vera

Dear Maya and Vera! How are you? In Israel it is warm and pleasant and the trees are in bloom. It is the first week of a Jewish month of Nissan, when we have Passover, which is less than two weeks away. Everybody talks about it and is making plans and preparing for the approaching Holiday and the stores display Passover books and everything for Passover Seder and the grocery stores have all the shelves changed for Passover foods.What are your plans for Passover? 
Last week I went with a group of women from Tzfat to visit the graves of our ancestors – first Jewish fathers and mothers who lived 3000 years ago, but Jewish people still know where they are burried and come visit these places. You know about them too from the stories that we read together – it is Avraham, Sarah, Ytzhack, Rivka, Yakov, Rachel and Leah. The trip took the whole day, because we travelled from Tzfat which is in the North to the south of Israel to Bethlechem and Hevron. On one picture below you can see people praying at the grave of Rachel, which is considered the mother of Jewish people. Another picture shows people going towards the big ancient building tin Hevron hat contains burial places of Adam, Eve, Avraham, Sarah, Yitchak, Rivka,  Yakov and Leah. One more picture shows a tree in bloom in Tzfat. I love you, and always think about you.