Purim and Borders

After much anticipation Purim came and went too fast, with all its parties, costumes, and abundance of celebration and creativity, not to mention alcoholic beverages….. But it did not leave completely. There is a feeling that it’s light is still here. Today we were experienced it again. We went on a trip from Tzfat to Metula, which is a Northern-most border of Israel with Lebanon (mere half an hour drive from Tzfat.) From there we went to Golan heights through Druze villages and towns, then to Israeli border with Syria, and eventually back to Tzfat. In the process, we relived a story of Purim-like miraculous “upside-down” transformation of hopelessness and despair to joy and celebration. It made us think of a miracle of existence of the Jewish State, and battles that had been won – miracles clothed in seemingly “natural” appearance. Just as in biblical times, Jews were on the brink of destruction, this time by arab armies on the Sirian border, but in two days the situation completely reversed, from being on the edge of the grave to miraculous victory. Today we saw how the death-filled battlefield has been transformed by the Jewish people with G-d’s help to peaceful and fruitful orchards. The same miracle continues today, as it says in the end of Megilat Esther. “And these days of Purim shall never cease from Jewish people…”