“The time of singing has come”

Walking in the mountains of Gallil in Adar makes you feel the poetry of “Song of Songs” to come alive:

Behold, the winter is past
The rain is over and gone,
The blossoms have appeared on the land,
The time of singing has come;
And the voice of turtledove is heard in our land.”

You experience new and old at the same time: the renewal of the nature and the ancient history at every step. You encounter the caves with the graves of Jewish sages of two thousands years ago, and see an occasional modern-day mystic, coming to meditate in the mountain valley. 

Observing an extensive landscape, illuminated by the soft light, one can see a big picture and our place in it as a link in the chain of generations of Jewish people, with its unique destiny, and inalienable connection to the Land of Israel. This realization creates a joyous feeling of gratitude for Hashem’s many miracles, gifts and compassion that brought us to this point.

1 thought on ““The time of singing has come”

  1. Dear Rivka,
    I always enjoy reading your posts. The landscapes are beautiful.. I look forward to returning to Eretz Yisroel soon, be”H.
    Warm regards,

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