Visiting Fathers and Mothers

After Purim, the time has been going faster and faster… Last week I was giving a dvar Torah in front of the group of women of which I am part of – a group that is learning together, more then 30 women, all English-speakers; all exceptionally learned and knowledgeable, so I was understandably a little nervous, considering I am not a native English speaker, and besides, I hate public speaking… At one point I thought of calling it off, but in the end, urged by Eber, I did it anyway, and found that it is not too bad, if the audience is very supportive and caring, as mine was. Who knows, I might yet get a new career in public speaking …. :)The subject of  my talk was Rachel Imeinu, and this week I went with the same group of women for a whole day trip to visit the grave of Rachel Imeinu in Bethlehem, and also Maarat Ha Machpela in Hevron. The trip was exceptionally well organized, complete with time for prayer, learning, and excellent speakers.Visiting Kever Rachel was as emotional as ever, and there were many people praying there as on my previous visits. But when we came to Hevron, I was surprised to see it full of people as well – from all over the world – I never saw it being that full. Besides visiting Adam, Eve, Avraham, Sarah,  Ytzhak, Rivka, Jacob and Leah, we also had a meeting with a woman who lives in Hevron for more then 30 years now, originally from the US. She came after high school and got married to a student of Hevron yeshiva. The young couple decided to raise a family in Hevron, now having a third generation there. Although in my eyes she is one of the heroes of Jewish people, she only sees herself as a simple, regular person, living where  G-d put her just like other people are in the places right for them. She loves Hevron and says she’s excited to come to Maarat HaMachpela every single time. She loughed  when somebody asked her if she has a gun, and said she made a decision long ago not to have a gun and not to be afraid, because “nobody is safe anywhere, and everybody is safe everywhere.”Now, back to Tzfat, it is all about getting ready for Pesach…